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This field is indexed via the Subject Headings (SH). Back : DJ: Date of Doctoral Thesis [Word Indexed] 07.pd. Search Guide for PsycINFO on DIALOG Command Search Mode Page 1 of 4 RANK DE RANK AU Use the Thesaurus Use the EXPAND command to access the Thesaurus Explode (search a descriptor with 3. Use the electronic Thesaurus to find descriptors that represent the first concept.

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Terms in the ERIC Thesaurus represent the vocabulary used in the documents that comprise the ERIC digital library collection. Valda databaser var Cinahl, Pubmed och PsycINFO. Enligt Polit & Beck (2017) inriktar sig Cinahl på omvårdnad, PubMed på medicin och PsycINFO på det psykologiska. Thesaurus är ämnessökord i de olika databaserna, i PsycINFO heter det Thesaurus (T) medan de ändrat benämningen i Cinahl och Pubmed till Major Headings Testa att gå uppåt och nedåt i hierarkin för att hitta de termer som passar din sökning bäst. Varje databas har sin egen ämnesordslista och de har ofta olika namn: I PubMed heter ämnesordlistan MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) I Cinahl heter ämnesordslistan CINAHL Headings; I PsycINFO heter ämnesordslistan Thesaurus Det har de gjort för att många medicinska fenomen, som bröstcancer i exemplet nedan, kan beskrivas med olika ord.

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Förutom sökningar MH = Term from the “Cinahl Headings” thesaurus. MM = Major  Med hjälp av MeSH /Thesaurus och fria sökord gjordes sökningar i PubMed, Cinahl, PsycInfo.

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heter ämnesordlistan MeSH (Medical Subject Headings); I Cinahl heter ämnesordslistan CINAHL Headings; I PsycINFO heter ämnesordslistan Thesaurus. Alternativ namn & nyckelord: APA PsycInfo. Referenser till vetenskapliga publikationer inom psykologi och de psykologiska aspekterna hos närliggande  PsycINFO.

2021-02-19 · Using the APA PsycINFO Thesaurus. To find the subject headings to use when searching PsycINFO, click on the "Thesaurus" tab at the top of the screen. In the Thesaurus search box type your keyword for the concept for which you wish to search. Click the button in front of "Relevancy Ranked." The same article in PsycINFO, here the thesaurus terms are called Subject Headings. In PsycINFO the * before a Subject Heading means that this is a main topic of the article.
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Femton vetenskapliga artiklar inkluderades i litteraturstudien, dessa var  4 Söker i Thesaurus ”Avslappning” Umeå universitetsbibliotek campus Örnsköldsvik Ann Ingberg Söker på samma sätt i Thesaurus relaxation och får många  PsycINFO. PsycINFO. Psykologi, beteendevetenskap, sociologi, psykiatri.

It is the electronic version of the now-ceased Psychological Abstracts.In 2000, it absorbed PsycLIT which had been published on CD-ROM.
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Write the headings down and then combine them using AND and OR under the “Search” tab. e Example A: Subject heading Example B: Thesaurus entry The thesaurus PsycINFO columna1 Recurs consorciat Recursos d'informació electrònica. Fitxa Llicències d'ús Bases de dades Imprimir No aplica Descarregar No aplica Còpia per arxiu No aplica columna2 Accés perpetu No aplica Usuaris visitants/walk-in users Contracte 2005-8-29 · How to use PsycINFO This guide provides information on the following topics: - This will open the Thesaurus window, where you will find a list of suggested Subject Terms that you can choose from.

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Domaines Pour l'utiliser, cliquez sur l'onglet "Thesaurus" et entrez un mot. Cinahl Subject Headings. PsycInfo thesaurus. Emtree. Le thésaurus Emtree a bcp plus de descripteurs que Medline. Cela peut jouer sur le nombre de résultats   15 jun 2020 PsycINFO har en ämnesordslista som heter APA Thesaurus of Vid en fritextsökning görs sökningen enbart på de ord du skriver in i sökrutan. Aceda a informação através da B-On, de bases de dados, do repositório da UAlg e de ligações recomendadas, como: bibliotecas, catálogos, dicionários,  Alternative Name(s) & Keywords: Miguel de Cervantes Digital Library may also be found in the Library catalogue under their own titles, e.g.PsycINFO, Cinahl, The Thesaurus Linguae Latinae is the first comprehensive dictionary o "Thesaurus" anklicken bzw.

PsycINFO - PsycINFO -

Browsing the PsycINFO Thesaurus, you can confirm that a term is a descriptor. In the example below, you can see that Harassment is a descriptor. thesaurus. They are assigned to consistently describe the concepts included in the content of an article or document. Record may contain descriptors in major or minor index term fields. Valid Forms: DE Example: DE(behavior) DE("racial and ethnic differences") Intended Audience / Target Audience This field contains a description of the intended Explore APA PsycInfo®, the most trusted and comprehensive library of psychological science in the world Scholarly research findings in psychology and related fields across a host of academic disciplines including medicine, business, law, education, biology, sports, and more.

Thesaurus Search 1 of 11. Let's try a different type of search that will get you more relevant results. PsycINFO tags every record with a term from the Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms®. Your Turn: Click the menu at the top left corner of the screen. Choose APA Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms ERIC is an online library of education research and information, sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education. 2017-1-19 · For the APA databases, that list is the Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms®, which includes more than 8,400 terms. APA staff typically choose about six index terms for each document.